1. Download the code from GitHub: git clone https://github.com/alsdias/node_sequelize_ultering_ml40643_1st_step.git cd node_sequelize_ultering_ml40643_1st_step.git 2. Make sure that your env has the following installations and versions: Node: 16.13.1 or Node: 16.X Package Manager: npm 8.X 3. Install the libs(node_modules): npm install --save express express-generator npm install --save nodemon npm install --save sequelize sequelize-cli npm install --save pg pg-hstore npm install --save sequelize sequelize-cli dotenv npm install --save serve-favicon npm audit fix --force 4. Create your local database ou use cloud service. TIP: ElelephantSQL has free account and it is super easy and fast. https://www.elephantsql.com Note: you may choose the database. The tutorial uses "rin544". if using ElelephantSQL, has no difference the database name. It uses the username. 5. Go to the app root dir and run: run.bat 6. Point to: http://localhost:3000/ 7. Check the output on the console. 8. Check the database using you db client. The "user" table was created and it is empty. select * from "user";